Importance of Drawing

Drawing helps develop a child’s artistic sense and assert his personality. It is also a way to acquire skills that prepare them for writing. From the age of 3, a toddler’s drawings become more and more detailed.  

The evolution of drawings in children aged 3 to 4 

At this age, a child’s hand-eye coordination improves. He has better and better control of the pencil: he can now lift it and put i in the same place. He begins to draw circles, which requires good control of his gestures. It can also copy a horizontal line, a vertical line and a circle already drawn. By keeping your child’s drawings and flipping through them from time to time, you will be able to see their evolution. The child also begins to want to represent something with his drawings. However, since his drawings are created at random from the lines he draws, the toddler recognizes what he has drawn afterwards. For example, he will say that he made a bear after seeing that his drawing reminded him of this animal. The colors that toddlers use are also random. At this age, it is difficult for anyone other than a child to recognize what their drawing represents. Instead of guessing what your child drew, ask them to tell you about what they drew on their paper. Drawing also exercises its tactile perception (touch). When drawing, your child should feel the pencil well in their hand and apply adequate pressure to the paper without tearing it. When drawing, your child also uses perception skills. This skill will help your toddler in school to learn math. His drawings are also a way to develop his creativity and express the richness of his imagination. In addition, drawing encourages your toddler to use his observation skills and knowledge as your child portrays what he knows about the world.

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